Welfare at Concord
All staff at Concord High School are committed to helping each student reach his or her potential, with an emphasis on the development of the whole child, not just focusing on the academic. The school's welfare structure reflects this, with support to students and parents being provided on a number of levels. The aim is for every student to feel known, valued and cared for.
The Welfare Team meet weekly to discuss student progress and issues relating to all aspects of wellbeing needs within the school.
The Welfare Team meet weekly to discuss student progress and issues relating to all aspects of welfare needs within the school. The Team is organised as follows:
Welfare Team 2024
Chivonne Gofers - Deputy Principal
Fiona Milligan - Head Teacher Welfare
Judith Joy - Counsellor
Anne Del -Duca – Counsellor
Alanah Butler - Year 7 Adviser
Luke Shephard - Year 7 Adviser
Gokce Akin - Year 8 Adviser
Annie Ha - Year 8 Adviser
David Galea - Year 9 Adviser
Eliza Psaros - Year 9 Adviser
Tanaya Hempstead – Year 10 Adviser
Dean Johnson - Year 10 Adviser
Fatma Bekheet - Year 11 Adviser
Phoebe Toner - Year 11 Adviser
Kathy Kalachian - Year 12 Adviser
Maryanne Laggis - Year 12 Adviser
William Paling – Men's Adviser
Alanah Butler - Women's Adviser
School Nurse - Lorraine Bechara
Student Support Officer - Tyler Allen
Year 7 Middle School Class Mentors
The Class Mentor plays a vital role in supporting, mentoring and leading the wellbeing and pastoral care of students of a particular class. Furthermore, the Class Mentor works closely with the Year Advisers, teachers and parents/guardians. The main objective of the Class Mentor is to look after the wellbeing of all students in their class and assist with initiatives that assist in their academic growth and promote student voice and student agency. The mentor teachers are the main point of contact for parents/carers and act as the liaison between parents and curriculum teachers, Head Teachers, Year Advisers and Senior Executive.
The following teachers are the class mentors for 2024.
7B: Megan Shipp
7G: Belinda Wright
7O: Ben Mitchell
7P: Chris Shiels
7R : Phoebe Toner
7V: Mary Snewin
7W: Annika Fawcett
7Y: Jennifer Zhai
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Positive behaviour for learning (PB4L) is an evidence-based whole school process to improve learning outcomes for all students
It is an internationally acknowledged behaviour and learning framework, which has been successfully implemented at Concord High School and thousands of schools throughout the world. Research shows that schools that have implemented PB4L increase student learning and maximise positive student behaviours.
PB4L ensures that decisions about school systems and practice are based on data collected on a regular basis from the school. This data guides decision-making and evaluates how well the system is working.
PB4L is a values-based system, which ensures that all students have a clear picture of what is expected of them at school. Students have the opportunity to develop positive attitudes and behaviours in order to do their best as students of our school.
Concord High Schools PB4L core values are: Respectful, Responsible, and Achieving. Our PB4L handbook has more information on how this is implemented to support our students.
Signs are placed around the school describing the expectations we have of our students in all our school settings, to keep the expectations clear and at the forefront of everyone's minds. We also have incentives to reward students who display positive behaviours.
The successful implementation of PB4L is a key target in Concord High School's school plan to ensure that the school continues to implement processes that support all students in choosing positive behaviours. PB4L allows the school community to guide students of Concord High School to becoming successful learners of our community.
Anti Bullying
View Concord High School's anti bullying plan.
CHS defines bullying as repeated behaviour where there is a deliberate intent to cause physical harm or emotional distress. These behaviours can be verbal, social, psychological or physical. They impact on the lives of the person/people being bullied, those doing the bullying and those looking on. Bullying incidents can be isolated or repeated, organised or unintentional. Bullying behaviours indicate an imbalance of power.
Values at Concord High School
Concord High School is dedicated to actively providing a safe, supportive and caring environment which promotes personal growth and positive self-esteem for all members of the school community. Bullying is not acceptable in any circumstance, and bullying behaviours will not be tolerated at Concord High School. The school rejects violence, harassment and any form of discrimination.
All individuals in the school community – students, staff, parents – have the right to a safe environment which is free of bullying. If bullied, they have the right to be provided with help and support. Staff and students who witness bullying have the responsibility to act in some way to help the victim.
As a School Community we will not allow cases of bullying to go unreported but will speak up. This is the shared responsibility of students, parents and teachers.