Stage 4 (Year 7 and Year 8)
Students start by learning the Chinese Pinyin writing system. They read and write familiar Hanzi, identifying how character structure, position and component sequences relate the form of a character to its sound and meaning, and apply key aspects of writing conventions. Students interact with others in Chinese to exchange information and ideas on topics of interest and engage in collaborative tasks and activities that involve making plans and arrangements. They will also cover topics such as greetings, self-introduction, numbers, colours, finding out information about family, pets, etc. Students will also learn about various Chinese cultural features, e.g., customs, famous cities, festivals, and celebrations.
Stage 5 (Year 9 Year 10)
Students will continue their learning of the Chinese language and culture. Some students will continue their study of Chinese in their senior years to study the Continuers course in Stage 6.
Stage 6 (Year 11 Year 12)
Students will have the option of choosing one of the following courses.
The students who have not studied Chinese at stage 5 (Y9 and 10) can study this course from beginning.
The students who have studied Chinese in Y9 and 10 can continue learning Chinese for another two years to deepen their study of Chinese.
Chinese in Context
Students' intercultural and linguistic skills, knowledge and understanding of Chinese will be developed through a range of texts related to the Issues, viewed from one or more of the three Perspectives (Personal, Community and International) and drawn from one or more of the three Contexts (Social and Community Settings, Contemporary Literature and the Arts, and Media). Students explore in depth an area of interest related to one of the Issues through the Personal Investigation.
Chinese and Literature
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of Chinese through the study of language texts and contemporary issues. As the course progresses, students study prescribed texts and themes and explore mandatory contemporary issues.
In recent years, Year 12 Chinese students at Concord High School have performed extremely well in the HSC. The performance of students studying Chinese have been above State Average.