Concord High School

Personalising Education

Telephone02 9745 3777

High Potential and Gifted Education

Year 7 2026 HPGE applications

High performing students joining our school as Year 7 students in 2026 are invited to apply for our High Potential and Gifted Education program. Applications close on Friday 11 April 2025, 5pm.
Apply now

Maximise your child's potential

Our High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE) program caters for students who learn enjoy academic challenges, are high performers at school and learn at a faster pace than their peers.

Why your gifted child will thrive at Concord High School

Advanced learning pathways

Your child will be exposed to more complex and abstract concepts in class. They will learn at a faster pace and undergo sustained deliberate practice to master concepts and skills quicker. Your child will have lots of opportunities to pursue their personal passions and interests through negotiated extension projects.

Optimal learning environments

Your child will be in a supportive classroom environment and have lots of opportunities to form strong friendships with others who are also highly motivated by academic challenges. Your child will learn with like-minded peers and be supported to continually strive to achieve their personal best. Your child will further develop their resilience and perseverance through targeted growth goal setting programs.

Extracurricular extension programs

Your child will have ongoing opportunities to follow their passions through our wide range of extracurricular enrichment programs, including writing workshops, interschool maths competitions, chess club, art club, robotics club and performing arts clubs. Find out more here.

Applications for our HPGE program for Year 7 2026 are now open

The application process involves the following. Applications close on Friday 11 April 2025, 5pm.


Fill in the parent/carer questionnaire and have your child answer the student questionnaire.

Student writing composition

Have your child submit a writing composition of up to 600 words on one of the topics listed.

  • Learning together
  • Diversity and inclusion,
  • Sport - welcome to the club!
  • Peace and trust
  • Names matter
  • Everyone has a story
  • What happens there matters here
  • Rebuilding
  • How far have we come in 30 years?
  • What makes a good leader
  • Learning from the past.

Academic records

Submit your child's Year 5 Semester 2 academic report and Year 5 NAPLAN results.

Current school teachers and principal's support

We will contact your child's current school to confirm their suitability for our high potential and gifted education program.