Concord High School

Personalising Education

Telephone02 9745 3777

Student Leadership

Concord High School is invested in preparing our students to thrive in the future and develop their capabilities to become positive role models and effective leaders in the school and community. 

We endeavour to provide all year levels with a rich array of opportunities to develop their confidence and skills in which they can take with them after graduating.

With Leadership comes great responsibility. As a leader, students will hold a position of responsibility where they will need to act compassionately, fairly and make decisions to suit the needs of the school community. 

The leadership body at Concord High school will actively listen and inspire others to act in a positive manner and demonstrate our Positive Behaviour For Learning core values; Respect, Responsible and Achieve.

Why take on a Student Leadership Role?

  • Learn new skills and build my personal leadership capacity
  • To make a difference
  • Work with and get to know new people
  • Invitations to special functions and events
  • Special leadership training programs and activities
  • Impresses university and TAFE faculties and prospective employers

Student Leadership Development Portfolio

This is a new initiative that has been designed to offer year 10 & 11 students the opportunity to learn the value of school and community leadership.

The portfolio is also a valuable asset to be included in employment, Apprenticeship/Traineeship, scholarship and tertiary education early entry applications.

All students are encouraged to participate in the leadership development portfolio as it is an excellent opportunity to develop leadership qualities and skills, confidence and experience.

  • All students who successfully complete the portfolio will receive a Certificate of Recognition signed by Mr Newby and a medallion presented at the end of year Awards Ceremony.


Students who successfully complete the Leadership Portfolio, will be highly regarded in the Prefect application process.

A brief overview of the Portfolio components:

  • Simple Tasks = 3   (Leadership Learning experiences)
  • Complex Task = 1  (Planning, organising & running an event)
  • Community service = 10hrs minimum
  • (Optional) Completion of short course (First Aid, WHS, Barista, Aust swim)
  • Prefect mentoring
  • School service register
  • Leadership reflection report
  • Leadership interview & portfolio submission

Due by: Term 2, Year 11 (BEFORE the commencement of the Prefect nomination process).

For access to all of the student Leadership opportunities in every year level, volunteering and community service programs, the CHS Leadership development portfolio, our events and much more, please visit the NEW Concord High School Leadership website.