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Concord High School

Concord High School

Personalising Education

Telephone02 9745 3777

Environment Club

 A NEW club has opened at Concord! 

The newly established Enviro Club is planning a range of major projects and initiatives for 2017 under the supervision and guidance of Ms.Bekheet and Ms.Celik. 

Concord High School students attended an Earth Hour Sustainability Summit earlier in the year with Ms.Bekheet, this is where they collaborated with students of like minds and institutions such as Environmental Education Centres (EEC), Taronga Zoo and The Royal Botanic Gardens to come up with a range of strategies we can implement with the goal of minimising our impact on the environment. With this inspiration, the Enviro Club members entered the GoMAD Challenge with the goal of expanding and regenerating the wildlife corridor along Crane Street. With new infrastructure going up every day, the Enviro Club has identified that one of the BIGGEST silent contributors to climate change is habitat destruction. With this in mind, the Enviro Club aims to produce a Wildlife corridor so that native species that call Concord home, will be able to travel safely between areas of our community as well as having a safe and suitable environment to thrive in.


Our club is thriving with more than 40 students already signed up!! 

Everybody plays an important role in the club, with 4 main teams all working together to achieve the Enviro Clubs goal, to create a sustainable environment. These teams include the 

  1. Promotions team
  2. Tech team
  3. Landscaping team
  4. Human Resource team


Along with our major project, the GoMAD challenge centred around the Wildlife corridor, we have many other ideas and initiatives that are currently in the works. These include creating a vertical herb garden, rejuvenating frog ponds, hanging pot plants from our new demountables, participating in community projects such as the Western Sydney Parklands Bush Regeneration program, Rivendell Flower Show and Working Bee's that focus on cleaning up our environment. Students are all working very hard on their specified tasks to ensure the meticulous execution of all projects which will have great benefits towards our school and community.  

This club is open to everyone and all are welcome to join, our meetings take place every Monday lunchtime in Common 7, coordinated and run by Ms.Bekheet and Ms.Celik.


To further explore the teams progress and achievements on various projects, click on the tabs on the left hand side.

On this page, we will keep you up-to-date with upcoming events and the details of each.